No Emotion

February 29, 2012 § 2 Comments

This essay really made me think about the different play on words that our society has. How men are looked at to be athletic to be manly. They must “score” with women. Men are to be “rough” and one “goal” in mind during intercourse. I liked how the essay pointed out, that with men having one goal in mind; they miss out on so many sensual feelings and other pleasure that they are not thinking about. That they can create their own sexual dysfunctions because of the mind game that society has set up for them.

I also found it disturbing to think about men wanting to treat women respectfully and that they too want some emotional satisfaction, but they can’t or won’t due to the expectation to be masculine. I see our society somewhat starting to turn away from this idea. Many men are giving their partners respect and the emotional support that they need also. I do not look at a man showing his feelings towards his partner not masculine. I think it gives a man more credit, but this is also coming from a girl. What do other men think about a man showing his partner emotional support instead of showing his “masculinity”?

§ 2 Responses to No Emotion

  • ihowells says:

    I really liked your response to this essay. i also find it disturbing that a man can want to have love for a woman but is held back because of other desires. Last week my boyfriend told me that he and his co-workers went to lunch together and they were checking out other girls and how hot they were and one guy said to my boyfriend, what do you think about her, you never have much to say. He said that he has everything that he wants with me and that he doesnt need to check out other women to be happy. His coworker/friend quickly replied that he loves his wife so much but it doesnt mean he cant look at other women and that he was really sorry that he offened him. I think if more guys were like this that it would start being okay for men to be in love and be happy. i am not saying my boyfriend is perfect or whatever but he does OPENLY respect me and i think that is a great thing.

  • erikaostrom says:

    I agree with both responses and having a boyfriend I know how it feels when other guys are looking at girls and you wait to hear his response. I feel as though some men look at women as a piece of mean, which women are guilty of as well. But when a man really does respect and care for a women he will treat her the right way. I don’t necessarily think looking at another girl is disrespectful because we are all human and everyone does it but it’s how you react to the situation afterwards. Do the men all talk about her assets? Do they talk about what they would do with her? Or do they talk about what happened during the last Purdue game last night? I think men look at the guy giving his girlfriend or wife respect and if they make a smart remark they probably are jealous of the fact that they have a good relationship with their partner. It comes with maturity and seeing how the world forms our society.

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